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Vados • 2 years ago

its just so cool!

Binju • 1 year ago

ep starts at 4:40

I Don't Like Mondays • 2 years ago

I love Jimbei now , respect.

I Don't Like Mondays • 2 years ago

and crocodile and mr 1 were so cold when they were on the navy ship

Zorthox • 2 years ago

Wow jimbei is fast

Yes • 5 months ago


Afro Luffy has a new competitor

Mie GD • 2 years ago

portable knock up stream damn, fishmen are OP

Marco The phoenix • 1 year ago

Only Jinbe can do it!

Nova Mane • 2 years ago

magellan is paramecia isnt he? so why do bullets not hit him even tho luffys fist did

Mingo • 2 years ago

Cause it had number threes wax on it

Nova Mane • 2 years ago

but why would his wax hit and bullets not, like i said hes paramecian bullets should hit him unless hes like katakuri and can change his body to dodge but i doubt that since katakuris fruit was special

Mingo • 2 years ago

Well his poison couldnt melt the wax wall and luffy could only hit him after he got the wax armor so thts a good enough reason to think its because of the wax.

jon • 2 years ago

If I get shot the bullets go right through me but if I get punched it doesn't.

Nova Mane • 2 years ago

whats your point

Ravikourav • 2 years ago

i think luffy is using haki without knowing blackbeard said somithing about you have got more haki then the last time in episode 477.

edit : its hard to tell who is using haki before time skip but after time skip there hand or body turn black

Nova Mane • 2 years ago

as far as i know luffy did not use armament haki at all even without knowing before the time skip. And what blackbeard said was about the strength of his latent haki

Boss057767 • 10 months ago

The venom fruit is a Special Paramecia-type fruit that gives the user logia type qualities

WīT • 8 months ago

he doesnt have the afro tho...how can Luffy possibly win?

Tooties • 11 months ago

Whr the psychopath with the sword at

Meme_ladybug💫 • 1 year ago

Ok but jimbei, I’m starting to like this guy

Uchiha Madara • 1 year ago


4:34 start